As the Foodbanks begins to implement our new strategic plan, the member services department is undergoing staffing changes and restructuring to better serve all member agencies. Due to these changes, not all agencies will complete a site inspection this year. However, emergency feeding programs still need to complete the 2015 USDA and Ohio Commodities Agreement. There have been a few minor changes to the document since last year.


Below you will find a copy of the 2015 USDA and Ohio Commodities Agreement, a summary of changes made to the document, and instructions to use the Foodbank’s new language line service. Please sign the agreement and return to the Foodbank no later than Tuesday, December 15.


2015 USDA & Ohio Commodities Agreement

2015 USDA Agreement Summary of Changes

Language Line Agency Guide


Agreements can be returned via email, mail or fax. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the member services department at 330-535-6900. 


The following agencies need to complete the agreement. 

1156       Apostolic Church of Akron

784         Atwood Angels Food Pantry

C022      Battered Women's Shelter/Medina

1066       Calvary Apostolic Church of Akron/Love Thy Neighbor

B396      Canton Friendship Center - Hot Meal

1076       Canton Friendship Center-Pantry

827         Canton Pentecostal Temple

C713      Carroll Golden Age Retreat

B422      Catholic Charities Community Services of Summit County

B612      Church of the Savior - Canton

883         City of Hope

870         Creston Community Church

P542      Dalton Baptist Church

1056       Deliverance Christian Ministry

798         Family Resource Center

862         First Assembly of God New Philadelphia

P133      First Church of the Resurrection

B426      Gennesaret, Inc.

844         Grace Fellowship

776         Greater Dover New Philadelphia Food Pantry

P031      Greek Orthodox Church of Annunciation

P469      Green Good Neighbors

P703      Harbor of Hope

882         Helping Hands - The Bill Lee Center at ABT

1106       Hope Outreach Ministry of Stark County

872         Journey Covenant Church

B367      Lakemore United Methodist Church

1060       LifePointe Church of Atwater

BK1060   LifePointe Church of Atwater - Backpack

929         LifeSong Church

1074       LifeSong Church - Hot Meal

802         Living Hope Church/Medina

P316      Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry

2000       Lodi Family Center

1054       Lodi United Methodist Church

C575      Massillon K of C Hot Lunch

C560      Mature Services - Hot Meal

C314      Miller Community House

937         Millersburg Church of God

B030      Mt. Zion Baptist Church

B318      Northfield Presbyterian Church Community Meal

B240      Peoples Baptist Church

801         Peter Maurin Center of Akron

930         S.A.L.T. Box Kitchen (St. John Lutheran Church)

P723      Sharing and Caring

B259      St. John C.M.E. Church

1067       St. Paul Holiness COG

P553      St. Paul Lutheran Church

B168      SVDP/ St. Mary's Church

N001      The Salvation Army (Akron) Direct Distribution

1049       The Salvation Army (Massillon)

N4960-DD  The Salvation Army (Ravenna) 2 Direct Distribution

N571-DD  The Salvation Army (Ravenna) Direct Distribution

N111-D   Wooster Hope Center Direct Distribution

899         Word of Life Church