While we are always open to feedback and suggestions from our member agencies, the Foodbank takes time annually to survey our network to ask for honest, anonymous feedback about our service. The Agency Satisfaction Survey was conducted in August and September. We received more than 300 responses, which accounts for 90 percent of our network. Thank you to those who took the time to complete the survey.

The survey addresses all aspects of the agency experience with the Foodbank. The survey includes questions about customer service, the menu, agency events and more. Agencies reported being very satisfied with the Foodbank’s service. 

Overall Satisfaction with Membership at the Foodbank
4.5 out of 5.0

Results from the survey indicate that agencies are most satisfied with the dry product, frozen product and the overall nutrition of the items on the menu. The Feeding Kids menu, only accessible by Backpack programs, is an area for improvement based upon the survey results.

The Member Services department is always looking for feedback to improve the Agency Roundtables and Network Summit. The Member Services staff will be using the suggestions from the survey when planning agency education and engagement opportunities in 2015.

Survey feedback indicates that agencies are most interested in the following training topics:

  • Technology Assistance
  • PantryTrak
  • Volunteer Recruitment, training and succession planning
  • Non Profit Board Management

Thank you to each agency that completed the Agency Satisfaction Survey. Your input is highly valued as we continue to find ways to better partner and serve you.