Join other local companies, schools, faith-based organizations, and social groups in hosting a food and funds drive to help neighbors in need in our community. Complete the form below to register your drive!


Please enter your organization's dollar and pounds goals below. A good starting point is $5 and 5 pounds per person in your company or organization. $1 provides 3 meals, and 1 meal weighs approximately 1.2 pounds.


Please enter the dates of your food & funds drive. Approximate dates are ok if exact dates are tbd.

Request Materials

We provide all of the materials that you need to make your food & funds drive a success. Coordinator's Kits will be mailed to you and include one coordinator's guide book, three posters and 25 stickers.

Donation Box Stickers (to adhere to any boxes that you use to collect food donations) and Icons (for your customers or employees to display after making a donation) are not included in each Coordinator Kit; please request these items separately.