Michelle, 67, lives in an apartment specifically for seniors with limited financial resources. The subsidized rent helps her manage her bills, but sometimes, her social security simply isn’t enough; she comes up short. When this happens, she looks to friends, family and the Foodbank for a little extra help.

Michelle has always been a hard worker. Cleaning fitness centers and hotels, working in restaurants and as a cashier — she did whatever she had to do as a single mother caring for two boys. She remembers visiting a food pantry when they were young and being grateful for the items she received. But her growing boys knew not to expect a big dinner each night — they just didn’t have the resources.

Now, when Michelle needs a little extra help to extend her budget, she visits food programs within the Foodbank’s network.

When asked what she would like to say to donors who support the Foodbank’s work, Michelle replied with tears in her eyes.

“It takes a special kind of person, with a whole lot of love, to be able to feel the need of someone else. I’d tell them thank you very much.”

On Michelle’s behalf, we’d like to thank you for supporting your Foodbank and our neighbors in need.