This month, we embark on an exciting expansion and renovation project at the Foodbank’s Main Campus in Akron. Please excuse our dust as we begin this construction project which will allow us to better serve you, our valued hunger-relief partners. This project is Phase 2 of our capital campaign, Growing for Good, which focused on both the new Stark County Campus and the upgrade of the Main Campus. This project created greater regional access through the building of the Stark County Campus, and will improve the partner pick-up experience at the Main Campus via a new Network Partner Welcome Center.

Construction will impact the parking and traffic flow in the Dart Avenue parking lot. However, we do not anticipate any disruption to your ability to pick up orders during this time. Please continue to be mindful of other traffic and available space when entering and exiting the dock and the parking lot. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during construction. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 330.535.6900 and ask for the Network Partners and Programs department.

We look forward to sharing progress with you and serving you from a new Network Partner Welcome Center next year!